Podcast Interview:
Mitchell Levy's show, "Special Credibility Episodes of Thought Leader Life."

Guest: Dwaine Canova
Interviewer: Mitchell Levy
Accelerate and sustain business growth by streamlining your leadership and management. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dwaine Canova , CEO, Zynity and Framework for Leading Institute.
If you have an extensive team that is just good, you’re going to want to reach out to Dwaine Canova by going to his profile at or visiting his website at https://www.zynity.com.
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Executive teams that are just good should reach out to Dwaine Canova.
- What we found is there’s a gap if you get into a company and you want to find about systems. You’ll find they have an accounting, sales and operating system. But what they don’t have is an executive leadership system.
- We help organizations put their executive leadership system in place. Our solution includes a framework, a set of SAS online tools and coaches who can help them participate correctly in the process of building their elite executive team.
- It all started with the technology. As a young person in the military, I was an instructor at West Point US Military Academy, and their academic computer center right top programming and designing programs.
- I went on to Wharton and get my MBA. I was teaching there and did the same thing. I taught programming and how to design programs. And so it was the technology piece that really made the difference.
We are passionate about helping executive teams get to their exceptional level.
To help this movement, I have devoted years to building the system presented in the Exceptional Executive Teams book. I wish I had known this earlier in my life. I would have contributed to others’ lives even more positively.
For a PDF copy of the book Exceptional Executive Teams, click here
© Copyright 2019 to present by Dwaine Canova All Rights Reserved Dwaine is the author of the book Exceptional Executive Teams.